Make A Scrunchie In 5 Simple Steps

Girl wearing a scrunchie made in 5 simple steps

Are you looking to keep for an easy and practical craft to keep your little princess entertained during summer break? The "trick" is to make something that they will use time and time again after they are done making it. This way they are engaged and excited throughout the process. I made this scrunchie with my daughter and she loves it. She wears it all the time in her hair or on her wrist. She loves picking out new fabrics to make new ones. We have also made them in different sizes ranging from small to XL. Today I will show you how to make a medium sized scrunchie in 5 simple steps.


scrunchie materials

Step 1: Measure and Cut Fabric

  • Fold fabric in half (salvage to salvage), then in half again (to make it more manageable).
  • Use your ruler to square off one end with the rotary cutter.
  • Then measure 6 inches (15 cm) over from the edge you previously squared off and cut to make a long strip.
  • Take the long strip of fabric and cut in half. Cut off the salvage. My fabric was 44 inches (112 cm) wide so my strip of fabric has the final measurements of 6 inches (15 cm) by 22 inches (56 cm).


Step 2: Sew The Short Sides Together

  • Put short ends right sides together and pin.
  • Sew at a 1/4 inch (1/2 cm) seam allowance, making sure to back tack at beginning and end.


Step 3: Sew The Long Sides Together

  • Turn your now circle of fabric with the wrong side facing out.
  • Fold in half starting at the seam that was just sewn. Cut small notches on the opposite end of the seam.
  • Match the seam and the newly created notches and cut notches on the left side and right side. Now you should have notches marking your circle in quarters.
  • Lay your circle flat. Take ONLY the top layer and fold in toward the center.
  • Then take on hair elastic and place on top of the center.
  • Lastly, take the left side of the bottom layer and put it through the hair elastic sandwiching around the top layer until the raw edges are lining up. Pin (I always start at the sewn seam or at one of the notches so that it is easier to line up.)
  • Sew at a 1/4 inch (1/2 cm) seam allowance. Back tack at the beginning and end.
  • Make sure you are also pulling your fabric through the hair elastic as you sew while being careful not to catch the top layer that is folded inside.
  • When you make it all the way around make sure to leave a 2-inch (5cm) gap unsewn. 


Step 4: Turn Right Side Out

  • Find the opening that you left unsewn.
  • Star pulling the inside through the hole until it is all pulled out. 
  • The scrunchie should now be right sides out


Step 5: Sew Opening 

  • Fold in the raw edges of the opening.
  • Match the folded edges and pin.
  • Sew the opening closed at 1/8 inch (3 mm) seam allowance.
  • Your scrunchie is now complete.

This is how you can quickly make a scrunchie in 5 simple steps for yourself or your little princesses. This is an easy and practical project that will get lots of use after it is made. Make one, make many. Make them big or small. Either way take the leap, get creative, and start making. #itsalwaysbetterhandmade.